Butterflies Emerge at the Greensboro Science Center

GREENSBORO, NC — The Greensboro Science Center (GSC) is excited to announce two new exhibits.

The Cole Family Monarch Conservation Center and Butterfly House and the Amazing Butterflies traveling exhibit will be available for GSC members to preview on May 31 and will open to all GSC guests on June 3. Admission to both exhibits is included with GSC general admission or membership.

The Cole Family Monarch Conservation Center and Butterfly House

In the Cole Family Monarch Conservation Center and Butterfly House, guests can expect to see native butterflies up close and discover how they can put conservation into action by choosing garden plants that serve as hosts and food sources for pollinators.

Amazing Butterflies, created by The Natural History Museum in London in collaboration with Minotaur Mazes, invites guests to shrink down into the undergrowth to become one of the most extraordinary creatures on earth. A challenging journey teeming with friends and foes will reveal the unusual relationship between caterpillars, butterflies and their natural surroundings. Guests will go on an adventure through the leaves, learn how to move like a caterpillar, discover an ant that reaps the reward of an unusual friendship, then transform into a butterfly and take flight. Together, families will explore this interactive experience and learn the surprising challenges butterflies face every day.

Wings and Wild Things
A special preview of these exhibits will be available during the GSC’s Wings and Wild Things event on Thursday, May 12 from 6:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. In addition to these sneak peeks, Wings and Wild Things guests will also be invited to stroll through the zoo, listen to live music by Runaway Ostrich and engage with performers from Paper Hand Puppet Intervention. Appetizers will be provided by Pepper Moon Catering and an assortment of beer, wine and non-alcoholic beverages will be available during this event.

Wings and Wild Things tickets start at $150 per person and guests must be age 21 or older to attend. Tickets can be purchased online at www.greensboroscience.org/wingsandwildthings.

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About greensborosciencecenter

The Greensboro Science Center offers three fascinating attractions in one wild destination! We are the only facility in North Carolina that offers an aquarium, museum, and zoo. Spend the day with us and come nose to beak with playful penguins, get eye to eye with awesome otters, explore the human body, experience Mother Nature’s fury and fun, and encounter exotic animals like gibbons, meerkats, and lemurs!

2 thoughts on “Butterflies Emerge at the Greensboro Science Center

  1. The ‘Butterflies’ exhibit looks pretty amazing. In all of the pictures I see, the children depicted appear to be somewhat younger than our 14 year old granddaughter. What would you consider to be ‘age appropriate’ for this exhibit? Just wondering.. thanks much.

    • This exhibit is really appropriate for all ages. Older children might not be excited about climbing on the leaves, but they’ll likely have great time picking which direction to go, playing the foosball-style and bean bag toss games, and the butterfly zip at the end!

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