My Why: Jessica Whittington

How does the GSC impact individuals, families and communities? We think it’s best to let YOU answer that question!

Read our Q&A with GSC member Jessica Whittington and learn about what makes the GSC so special to her.

How many years have you been a GSC member? 2

What were your reasons for becoming a member? My daughter and her education

What impact has the GSC made on you/your family? GSC has impacted our family by helping me better teach my daughter. As a homeschooler she is learning so much from our trips to the GSC as well as our continued educational research once we get home.

What do you feel is the biggest impact the GSC has on the community? Helping provide a fun and exciting way to educate our children as well as our adults.

If you’d like to share your “Why” and possibly see it shared here, email it to

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